
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Little Cutie Caleb!

Agency Assigned Special Focus child. Little Caleb was born in August of 2012 and is described as a happy and curious baby. He was four months old at the time of his report and could pull himself to sit, roll and reaches for toys. Caleb loves toys with sounds, toys that he can shake, and playing hide-and-seek games. He seems to understand the words of the adults and babbles and laughs. The caretakers think it's cute when they put him on the floor and he waves his hands and kicks his feet, "acts like a duck which cannon swim." Caleb is reported to have normal development and is diagnosed with post-operative spina bifida. UPDATE RECEIVED APRIL 2013!!! Caleb can sit with support, is able to roll over and has been attempting to crawl. His development is similar to his peers and they say he is a "very smart child." Caleb has no problems eating and is very active but also likes to be held. He has no other diagnosis besides the post-operative Spina Bifida. GRANT FUNDING IS AVAILABLE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THIS CHILD THROUGH THE AGENCY Please email for more info

Strawberry Blonde Beauty

Tia 8 yrs old (turning 9 yrs at the end of Nov) Tia likes to go outdoors and likes to learn new ways of playing with other children. She does rhythmic gymnastics. She likes to perform in front of others. Tia talks w/ others freely and tell her ideas AND insists that her idea is right! On Jun. 2 2011, she went to foster family; she gets along well with family members. She is polite, likes nice things; every day she wants to dress nice dress, she is a girl who likes to be nice. She is cooperative w/ other children activities; can find the difference of things., and she studied in the class for eldest child in the kindergarten near her foster family. Under the direction of the foster parents and teachers, now she participates in sports; is flexible & quick. She can write her name & care for her needs. Tia is assigned to an agency list...waiting for her family. For more info: email brpowers90 at yahoo dot com

Lovely Lauren!

Lauren Special Focus - last seen on the Shared List Lauren was born in China in July of 2001 and has been living in foster care since 2005. Her file states that she was diagnosed with Congenital High Myopia, Strabism and Down Syndrome, although she doesn't have Down Syndrome. Lauren is available for international adoption and hopes to be adopted and live in a family like many of her friends. One of her friends living in the US said this about her, "She REALLY wants a family! She is very smart, knows a little English and is good in math. She likes to draw and is very nice." Please email for more info